About Our Practice

The Law Offices of Nicholas Koluncich III, LLC has litigated claims on behalf of clients impacted by difficult and unsettled areas or computer privacy law for over a decade.  Representative cases would include:

In Re the Nvidia GPU Litigation, No. 08-04312 JW (N.D. Cal.) – Consumer class action.

In Re: Sony BMG CD Technologies Litigation Case No. 1:05-CV-09575.  Invasion of Privacy and defective product lawsuit class action.

In Re: Americas Online, Inc. Version 5.0 Software, MDL-1341.  Invasion of Privacy and defective product lawsuit class action.

In Re: Amazon.com Privacy Litigation, MDL-1346.  Invasion of Privacy and defective product lawsuit class action.

In Re: DoubleClick Inc. Privacy Litigation, MDL-1352.  Invasion of Privacy and defective product lawsuit class action.

In Re: Toys R Us, Inc. Privacy Litigation, MDL-1381.  Invasion of Privacy and defective product lawsuit class action.

This firm has also represented several smaller tech companies with corporate governance, contract, litigation and mediation services.  This office also has established relationships with tech companies capable of delivering a variety of services.  Please contact us to discuss your needs.  Initial consultation is free of charge.

Recent Developments in Computer Security

It is not legally permissible to gather the telephone call metadata of millions of Americans. Anymore: Take a look at the decision in ACLU v. Clapper:

This new executive order places cyber-attacks in the line of fire for financial reprisal on par with warring enemies.  Please consider Executive Order 13694:

The Department of Defense is strengthening and clarifying the need for a robust response to emerging cyber security threats with the aid of the private sector and the international community.  Watch for a new policy imminently:

If you care about your privacy and security in what is probably one of the most intimate and expensive thing you own, your computer, you may want to keep an eye on Congress:

This explains as well as anyone could the common uses for encryption.  Although not the most convenient thing, it is certainly more secure.  Take time to read What Exactly is Encryption?

We are a law firm practicing primarily in the complex individual, derivative and class action arena.

Contact us for more information or to report a fraud problem.

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